Seattle Sunshine


I’ve just returned from an inspiring teaching trip to Seattle for two vivacious and talented guilds, Block Party Quilters Club and Quilters Anonymous. I love the Seattle area, so it was a double treat!

One day we got to visit the new Chihuly Glass and Garden at the foot of the Space Needle. So I thought you might enjoy seeing some photos from that day while I unpack and regroup. Enjoy!

Chihuly Inner Garden




Chihuly:Black Grass

Chihuly:Green Screws

4 Responses to “Seattle Sunshine”

  1. Chris says:

    Wow – what an amazing garden – would love to have some in my garden! Thanks for showing us.

  2. KateUK says:

    WOW! There is a great big beautiful piece in the entrance hall at the V&A, but that is about the only thing I’ve seen of his- wonderful stuff.Is it a temporary display outside, or is it there all year?

  3. Susan says:

    Love his glass… would love to grow some in my garden!!!

  4. Maria says:

    Loved meeting you and enjoyed your class! Great pics of Chihuly Garden too. Am looking forward to hearing about your quilt next month!!

    All the best, m

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